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  • Sunday 13 November 2016

    Trump: You need spiritual understanding to interpret my prophesy – TB Joshua

    Kunle Falayi
    Head of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Temitope Joshua, popularly known as Prophet TB Joshua, has said his prophesy on US election was not off the mark. He added that people need spiritual understanding to be able to interpret it.

    During a service at the headquarters of his church at Ikotun, Lagos on Sunday Prophet TB Joshua said, “there was nothing controversial about the prophecy. It is human beings that are controversial.”
    He stated that his words were misinterpreted because,”we are not on the same level (of spiritual understanding)”, an explanation which drew applause from his congregation.
    Last week, Prophet Joshua, in a video that went viral prophesied that Hillary Clinton would win the US presidential election.
    He told his congregation that he “saw” a woman winning.
    Watch the video
    Details later.

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