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  • Saturday 12 November 2016

    Oil And Gas Industry Buoyed By Trump Election

    Image result for donald trump

    After nearly two years of depressed commodity prices and a host of regulations and activist opposition, the U.S. oil and gas industry is hopeful a Donald Trump administration can help re-ignite growth in the sector, said industry sources.

    The 45th president will likely remove regulatory impediments imposed by the Obama administration that have stymied oil and gas drilling and infrastructure buildout, said Frank Murphy, managing director, RW Baird.

    One area of likely change is the opening up of more federal lands to drilling activities, said Murphy. A Trump administration is also added insurance against a general ban on fracking, said a midstream investor.

    Trump’s election will put more emphasis on expanding U.S. oil and gas production, an industry banker said. The banker did not see Trump as being particularly helpful in the big-ticket offshore drilling projects. Yet the Trump administration could positively impact bonding in the offshore oil and gas sector, an industry lawyer said. The amount and type of bonding companies need to operate in the arena was set to rise under Obama administration efforts and a Trump administration could change that.

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